We are always excited to talk about climate change and ecosystems!
Here are a few articles and videos showcasing our work

CBC New Brunswick on carbon flux observations at the Acadia Research Forest.

Radio interview with CBC Radio’s Quirks & Quarks on the future of boreal peatlands

Canadian Geographic article on our work on water loss from peatlands in a warming climate

Summary of our white paper on atmospheric boundary layer observations at flux tower sites

Short article on my field work experience in CURIUM, a science magazine for teenagers (only in French)

Video abstract of our publication in Environmental Research Letters

Young researcher profile of the month on the FLUXNET website

AmeriFlux blog entry on open-path gas analyzer performance for flux measurements

Étudiant-chercheur étoile” award on the “Fonds de recherche Nature et technologies” (Québec, Canada) website

Short “FrostByte” video on my PhD research

Short article for the German Federal Agency of Civic Education (bpb) on my field trip experience in Siberia in 2010 (only in German)